This for us was very special, our first African Wedding, AND we had no idea what to expect!
At 7.00am we were at Busi's house to capture her getting ready. You would not believe the bustle that was already going on. The excitement as friends and family got together to support Busi. The colour of the traditional outfits, the food that was being prepared for breakfast - We loved it!
The wedding and reception was held at Riverside. We arrived ahead of Busi and once again were awed at what we witnessed.
It is traditional at African weddings for the Bridal Party to come dancing into the reception. Busi + Bheki and their bridesmaids and groomsmen practised for weeks. We loved this, so different from all the other receptions that we have been a part of. Greg and I were totally enthralled.
Thank you so for entrusting us to capture your awesome wedding on DVD and Stills. May your marriage bear great fruit.